Why this List of Passive Income Books?

There are many passive income books in print today that provide you with a flood of information about building income streams. I’ve read plenty and have my own point of view. I don’t think anyone book as the “be-all-end-all” encyclopedia.

Instead, I think every entrepreneur needs multiple passive income books in their library to become as well informed as possible.

On this list, I will provide a brief overview of the books I’ve read, my thoughts on how valuable they are, and a link to my full review of the book if you want more detail. Additionally, I’ll also provide a link to where you can purchase the book if you feel so inclined. Please note, all of these links are affiliate links, so if you use them and make a purchase I will be paid a commission.

I will continually be updating this list, adding new passive income books as I read them, and have an opinion to share.

If there is a book you would like me to review please contact me and let me know.

The $100 Startup By Chris Guillebeau

Buy The $100 Startup On Amazon (Affiliate Link)

Quick Review

So, If you want some inspiration on the types of ideas that you can put to work in your income streams this book has plenty of them. Not every idea is a “passive” idea but they will inspire you to start thinking about the types of ideas you can put to work on your own.

Read more details on this passive income book in my full post “Review of The $100 Startup“.


I would recommend this book to any newly minted entrepreneur or even a more seasoned entrepreneur looking for inspiration for new ideas. It is a well written, engaging book that will hold your attention and help get you moving.